During the whole event gets everyone know every single male single female and vice versa.
For this, the event is divided into rounds, each lasting for about seven to eight minutes.
In this narrow space of time, the singles have the opportunity to get to know each other a
little to interrogate common interests and hobbies, and any desire to have children.
After expiry of the time a bell rings as a sign that asks for change of partners.
At the same time singles record on them previously handed out leaflets, whether their opponent to
see again or not. Now is moved up, so that male and female singles singles sit in a
new constellation opposite. This is repeated until each has talked to everyone again.
After the speed dating singles can decide if they want to see again just to know
the learned singles. Earlier, the organizers gathered for this purpose the previously handed out
paper and evaluated them manually. Many operators, however, are now started to analyze
the speed-dating through an online evaluation form. One or two days after the speed dating is
the evaluation process usually terminated. At the latest after the deadline will receive
a message about the singles, which again singles of the opposite sex they want. If there is
a match, so the contact between the two singles to be replaced.